The First Look – The New Tradition

The First Look – The New Tradition

“Tradition, tradition” (Sung like I am Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof)

I appreciate tradition, I really truly do. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. I appreciate tradition. However, there comes a time when one must take a look at how weddings have evolved in the last 20 years or so and make a decision. You must decide if what was once tradition is really best for your wedding. Today, I am going to share why I believe it is time for a new tradition and why it is best for both of us. Let’s talk about the First Look.

1. Scheduling

Your wedding day is set to be one of the busiest days of your life. It is full of hair, makeup, decorating, the list goes on and on. You need to pick up your Best wedding dresses in charlotte NC and shoes that fit the dress. So why add more stress to your day by attempting to fit all of your pictures in between the ceremony and the reception? It is not as much fun to have your picture taken when your stomach is growling, you are wondering if people are having a good time or getting annoyed that you aren’t there yet, and your feet are killing you. All you should have to think about after the ceremony is how much fun the party you are heading in to is going to be! (And maybe some absolutely awesome sunset images of the two of you.)

When you choose to do a first look, you open up the day to fit all the pictures in before the ceremony ever begins. You can build as much time as you would like for the images that are most important, the ones of the two of you! All the bridal party images, the family pictures, and those of you two can be built in to an easy to manage timeline. Which, in turn, takes the stress out of your day and makes everything flow easier.

2. Time Alone

Imagine getting to walk up behind your groom, your heart is pounding, and you say his name. He turns around and his eyes fill with tears of joy as he gasps for air because you have taken his breath away. You embrace as though you have not seen each other in months and you are never going to let go again. He steps back and wipes away the tear from your cheek. He gathers himself and lovingly tells you how beautiful you are. It is almost like time stands still during this exchange.


You spend a few minutes conversing about the day. About what has already gone wrong or what trouble the groomsmen have already gotten in to. However, those things don’t seem to matter because you are together.

This exchange of emotion and love would not get to happen if you didn’t see each other before the ceremony. If you wait until the ceremony you will still have emotions, but you won’t get to discuss them. You will walk down the aisle, join hands and move straight in to the ceremony. Afterwards you will rush through pictures and then head to the reception, where you will spend your time talking to your family and friends until the night is over. By then you are exhausted and all you want to do is sleep. You laugh because you know I am right.

Choosing a First Look is the best thing you can do for yourselves and for the schedule of the day. Everyone will be happier overall, this I can assure you.

Are you planning on choosing a First Look on your wedding day? Share why you chose to below.
