3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing a Photographer

Choosing a photographer can be extremely difficult. You have, what appears to be, endless choices when it comes to who will photograph your wedding. You also have the struggle of wading through the hundreds, if not thousands, of search results that come up on Google. You have the recommendations from friends, family, and strangers, and you have to figure out if any of these photographers can really capture your dream wedding the way you always envisioned. It can be an overwhelming task to undertake.

Hopefully I can help you make this process feel less daunting. Choose me! 🙂 Seriously though, let’s talk this through.

1. Do you want a photographer on your wedding day?

This is a serious question that I want you to think about. Let me rephrase the question. What value do you place on the memories of one of the most important days of your life? When all is said and done, the food and cake are eaten, the tux is returned, the dress is hanging in the back of the closet, and the decorations are thrown away. But your pictures will remain. This is why most brides and grooms place a high importance on photography.

2. Does your budget allow for the photographer you want? If not, are you willing to move funds around so you can?

Awesome photography costs money. To settle for less than what you really want may end in regret. Remember: your wedding day only happens once–and can’t be redone.

I have heard many horror stories from brides who went with a family friend or less-expensive photographer for their wedding photography, and when they received the images, they were devastated with the outcome–all because they settled for less than what they really wanted. I am not telling you to go in to debt or to use all of your budget on photography. I am telling you, that if you truly value photography, expect to invest in it. It is an investment in some of the most beautiful moments you will have with each other that you may not remember on your own accord. It is an investment in to the things you won’t see on your own. The way he looks at you from across the room as you talk to guests. The way she cried when she read the letter you wrote her. These are the reasons you hire a photographer. Plus you never want to forget Aunt Sally doing the Cha Cha slide with the best man!

3. Which photographer would you love to work with?

You have poured over websites and reviews, you have decided on your style, and you’ve set your budget. Now, narrow the list of potential photographers to no more than 3. Set up a time to meet with each one in person. Find out if your personalities will work well together. Find out if your vision works with theirs.

If we were to sit down and talk about your special day to discuss vision, I would tell you I love taking photos of brides and grooms that not only showcase their love for each other but also captures the artistry of farms, abandoned buildings, or old alley ways. I enjoy shooting the day of a couple that loves to laugh and is laid back, but doesn’t hold back—Ones that are somewhat adventurous and are willing to go places out of the ordinary to get that one image that will be unique to them—Couples that fully trusts me to be the photographer they hired me to be.

Let’s recap everything. You know you want a photographer on your wedding day. You know awesome photography is worth the investment. Now go out there and find the one whose artistry you love, whose pricing fits the art, and who clicks with your vision for your wedding day.

How do you choose your photographer? Share in the comments below.